where to put bonsai tree in bedroom feng shui

Where to Put Bonsai Tree in Bedroom Feng Shui

Bonsai trees are beautiful and unique indoor plants that can add a touch of nature and tranquility to any living space. In feng shui, bonsai trees are believed to bring positive energy and enhance our physical and mental well-being. However, placing a bonsai tree in the wrong spot can have the opposite effect and disrupt the balance of chi or energy flow in your home. Here, we will discuss where to put a bonsai tree in your bedroom according to feng shui principles.

Why Bonsai Trees are Good for Feng Shui in the Bedroom

Bonsai trees are believed to have a calming effect on our mind and body. By adding a bonsai tree to your bedroom, you can create a serene and relaxing atmosphere that promotes restful sleep and enhances your overall health and wellness. Bonsai trees are also known for their air-purifying properties, which make them perfect for the bedroom where we spend a significant amount of time.

Best Places to Put a Bonsai Tree in the Bedroom according to Feng Shui

When it comes to feng shui, there are some rules to follow when choosing the best spot for your bonsai tree. Here are some guidelines that can help you create a harmonious and balanced bedroom:

North or East

In feng shui, the north and east directions are associated with new beginnings, growth, and change. Placing your bonsai tree in these areas of your bedroom can help attract positive energy and enhance your personal growth and development. You can place your bonsai tree on a bedside table, a shelf, or a windowsill in the north or east corner of your bedroom for maximum benefits.

Southwest or Northeast

The southwest and northeast areas of your bedroom are associated with love, relationships, and family. Placing your bonsai tree in these areas can help enhance the love and intimacy in your relationships and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. You can place your bonsai tree on a dresser, a side table, or a windowsill in the southwest or northeast corner of your bedroom to promote love and harmony.

Southeast or West

The southeast and west areas of your bedroom are associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Placing your bonsai tree in these areas can help attract positive energy and bring good luck and fortune into your life. You can place your bonsai tree on a drawer, a nightstand, or a windowsill in the southeast or west corner of your bedroom to enhance your financial well-being.

Places to Avoid Putting a Bonsai Tree in the Bedroom

While bonsai trees can bring many benefits to your bedroom, there are also some areas that are not suitable for them. Here are some places to avoid putting a bonsai tree according to feng shui principles:


The south area of your bedroom is associated with fame, recognition, and reputation. Placing a bonsai tree in this area can have an adverse effect on your professional life and hinder your chances of success. Avoid putting your bonsai tree on a desk or a shelf in the south area of your bedroom.


The northwest area of your bedroom is associated with mentorship, travel, and helpful people. Placing a bonsai tree in this area can attract unhelpful or negative influences that can hinder your personal growth and development. Avoid putting your bonsai tree on a bedside table, a windowsill or a shelf in the northwest area of your bedroom.


The center of your bedroom is associated with health, balance, and the heart of the home. Placing a bonsai tree in this area can disrupt the flow of energy and impact your physical and mental well-being. Avoid putting your bonsai tree in the center of your bedroom or anywhere near the bed.

Other Tips for Placing Bonsai Trees in the Bedroom

Here are some additional tips that can help you choose and place your bonsai tree in the bedroom:

Choose the Right Size

When selecting a bonsai tree for your bedroom, make sure it is appropriately sized for the room. A large bonsai tree in a small bedroom can feel overwhelming and create a cluttered and cramped space. Similarly, a small bonsai tree in a large bedroom can look lost and insignificant.

Avoid Sharp Corners

Sharp corners in your bedroom can create negative energy and disrupt the flow of chi. Avoid placing your bonsai tree on sharp corners or any sharp objects that can create poison arrows.

Keep It Clean and Tidy

A dirty and cluttered bonsai tree can attract negative energy and reduce its positive impact on your bedroom. Make sure you keep your bonsai tree clean, tidy, and well-maintained by pruning it regularly and wiping its leaves with a damp cloth.

Avoid Overwatering

Overwatering your bonsai tree can lead to root rot and other problems that can harm its health and vitality. Make sure you water your bonsai tree sparingly and monitor its soil moisture regularly to prevent any issues.

Choose the Right Species

Not all bonsai trees are suitable for the bedroom environment. Some species require a lot of sunlight and air circulation, while others thrive in moist and humid conditions. Make sure you choose a species that can thrive in your bedroom and provide the right balance of moisture, temperature, and light.


Bonsai trees are a wonderful addition to any bedroom, and they can bring many benefits to your physical and mental health. By following these feng shui principles, you can choose the best spot for your bonsai tree and create a harmonious and balanced living space that promotes restful sleep and enhances your overall well-being.

Original link: https://www.fengshuimeaning.com/blog/where-to-put-bonsai-tree-in-bedroom-feng-shui , please indicate the source for reprinting.

