where to place vanity in bedroom feng shui

Where to Place Vanity in Bedroom Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that aims to balance the energy of a space. When it comes to the bedroom, Feng Shui can help create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, which can lead to better sleep and an improved quality of life. One important element of bedroom Feng Shui is the placement of the vanity. Here are some tips on where to place a vanity in the bedroom Feng Shui way.

1. Choose a Suitable Location

Before placing a vanity in any room, it\’s important to choose a suitable location. In the bedroom, this means finding a spot that has good energy flow but doesn\’t interfere with the main functions of the bedroom – sleeping and relaxation. The best location for a vanity, according to Feng Shui, is in the Southeast or East part of the bedroom. This is because these are the areas associated with wealth and abundance, and a vanity with a mirror is believed to double the abundance and prosperity energy.

2. Avoid Placing the Vanity facing the Bed

According to Feng Shui, placing a vanity in a way that the person using it can see their reflection in the bedroom creates negative energy. This is because the subconscious mind is activated, and the person can’t relax. In addition, the mirror will reflect the bed, which can create disharmony and disturb the energy flow. Thus, it is essential to avoid placing the vanity facing the bed.

3. Keep the Space Clean and Tidy

A vanity is a personal space in the bedroom, and it should be kept clean and clutter-free to promote positive energy flow. Remove any unnecessary items that might create chaos or negative energy, such as old makeup, empty bottles, or hair accessories. Cleaning the vanity regularly and dusting the mirror can help prevent stagnant energy stagnation.

4. Make Use of Natural Light

One of the essential elements of Feng Shui is natural light. When placing a vanity in the bedroom, take advantage of any natural light available. It\’s best to place a vanity near a window. This allows natural light to flow in, which helps to create a positive and energized atmosphere. However, if placing it near a window isn\’t possible, consider adding some additional lighting, such as a desk lamp, to create the right ambience.

5. Choose Colors and Materials Wisely

Colors and materials play a vital role in Feng Shui, especially in the bedroom. Choosing colors that promote a positive energy flow can promote relaxation and better sleep. The best colors for vanity are soothing colors, such as blue or green. These colors promote calmness, making them ideal for the bedroom. The materials used in the vanity should also be natural, such as wood or stone. Natural materials help promote relaxation and create a comfortable environment.

6. Add Some Personal Touches

A vanity should be not only functional but also personal. It is a place where you can add some personal touches to make it a place you love to be. Add some favorite pieces, such as a photo frame or a favorite perfume, which can add positive energy. Also, consider adding any plants to the vanity. Plants are an excellent way to purify the air and create positive energy.

7. Place the Vanity in a Quiet Place

The bedroom should be a place of tranquillity and peacefulness where you can unwind after a long day. It is essential to place the vanity in a quiet place away from any noise, external disturbances, or high-traffic areas. This can allow you to have a peaceful space and relax while you use your vanity.

8. Determine the Right Size

The size of the vanity can make a big impact on the energy of the bedroom, and it\’s important to choose the right size for your space. Too large a vanity can make the space cramped and cause obstacles to the energy flow. A small or too simple a vanity may not meet your needs. Thus, it is essential to determine the right size of the vanity based on your needs and available space.

9. Balance the Elements

According to Feng Shui, balancing the elements can help create a harmonious and positive energy flow. This means balancing the yin (soft) and yang (hard) elements in the vanity. A vanity should have smooth curves or soft edges, which promote a calm and soothing atmosphere, while hard angles or edges may create tension. Adding some wood or greenery can balance masculine energy and promote relaxation.

10. Keep the Energy Flowing

Finally, remember to keep the energy flowing in the bedroom. Rearrange the items on the vanity occasionally to prevent stagnancy. Keep the space around the vanity clean and tidy to promote smooth energy flow. Also, consider opening the windows regularly to promote fresh air circulation and positive energy.


Feng Shui provides guidelines that help to create a harmonious and peaceful bedroom for better quality sleep. As you consider placement of vanity in the bedroom, use these tips to enhance the energy flow and promote positive energy. A vanity is a personal space, and when it\’s set up in a way that promotes relaxation and positivity, it can be a useful addition to your bedroom décor.

Original link: https://www.fengshuimeaning.com/blog/where-to-place-vanity-in-bedroom-feng-shui , please indicate the source for reprinting.

