Liu Heng Yijing five elements and eight trigrams correct explanation video 27 episodes

Information name: Liu Heng Yijing five elements and eight trigrams correct explanation video 27 episodes

Data number: 21091

Data Size: 24.44GB

Data Catalog:

01 – Episode 1 Introduction to I Ching Zero Basics 《 I Ching》 Where did it come from and what is Zhou Yi?

1-《The I Ching》 Where did it come from and what is the I Ching?.mp4 1023.49M
02 – Episode 2 How to learn I Ching from scratch? A must-read introductory book for I Ching beginners
1-A must-read introductory book for I Ching beginners.mp4 727.51M
2- A must-have book for beginners on the five elements of yin and yang.mp4 1.96G
03-Third Episode Origin of Yin and Yang Expression of Yin and Yang Doctrine of Yin and Yang and Five Elements
1 – Origin of Yin and Yang, Expressions of Yin and Yang, Doctrine of Yin and Yang.mp4 271.46M
04 – Episode 4 The Three Talents of the I Ching (Heaven, Man and Earth) Concept and Its Analogy
1 – The Three Talents of the I Ching (Heaven, Man and Earth) Concept and its Everything Analogy Explained.mp4 333.62M
05 – Episode 5: The Four Signs of the Five Elements: The Fundamental Meaning of the Five Elements 01
1-Four Elephant Sphere Planning The Fundamental Meaning of the Five Elements.mp4 1.45G
06-VI The fundamental meaning of the five elements in the planning of the four signs 02
1 – Episode 4: The fundamental meaning of the five elements of the four signs category planning 02.mp4 1.16G
07 – Episode 7: The Fundamental Meaning of the Five Elements in the Sphere of Planning 03
1-Yin and Yang Five Elements Dialectic 01.mp4 1003.07M
08-Eight: The Five Elements of Yin and Yang – The Five Elements and the Five Internal Organs
1-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic 02.mp4 2.03G
09-第九集 阴阳五行辩-五行与五果五味五液
1-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General 03.mp4 1.17G
10-10th Episode Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic – Five Elements and Human Nature
1-Episode 11 Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 07.mp4 1004.22M
11- Eleventh Episode Yin Yang and Five Elements Dialectic – Five Elements and the Five Emotions
1-The Fourteenth Episode Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 10.mp4 700.93M
12-The Twelfth Episode of Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectics – Form, Sex, Position and Color
1-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 06-1.mp4 1.32G
2-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 06-2.mp4 687.25M
13 – Episode 13 Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic – Five Elements and Five Shapes
1-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 04.mp4 1.84G
14-The Fourteenth Episode of Yin-Yang Five Elements Dialectic-Wu Xing and Car Logos
1-Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 05.mp4 854.97M
15-The fifteenth episode of Yin and Yang Five Elements Dialectic – Five Elements and Five Sounds
1-The Twelfth Episode Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 08.mp4 570.74M
16- Episode 16 – The Five Elements of Yin and Yang – The Five Elements and Six Qi
1-The Fifteenth Episode Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 11.mp4 565.05M
17- Episodes 17 – The Five Elements of Yin and Yang – Five Elements and the Hidden Phase
1-Series 16 Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General 12.mp4 410.81M
18-Episode 18: The Five Elements of Yin and Yang – The Five Elements and the Four Diagnoses of Chinese Medicine
1-Episode 17 Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Theory 13.mp4 821.35M
19-09-1 Five Elements of Yin and Yang – Five Elements and the Theory of Deficiency
1-09-1 Five Elements and the Theory of Void and Reality.mp4 535.77M
2-09-2 Five Elements and the Theory of Void and Reality.mp4 729.30M
20-Twentieth Episode
1-Twentieth Episode The Five Elements and Void and Death.mp4 787.37M
21-The Twenty-First Episode of Five Elements and Twelve Longevity
1-The Twenty-First Episode Five Elements and Twelve Longevity.mp4 239.96M
22-The Twenty-Second Episode of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements – Yin and Yang Birth and Death
1-Episode 18 Yin Yang Five Elements Dialectic General Discussion.mp4 685.54M
23-The Twenty-third Episode of Ten Heavenly Stems
1-Thirteenth Episode Ten Heavenly Stems.mp4 870.15M
24-XXIV On the Twelve Earthly Branches
1-The Twenty-Fourth Episode On The Twelve Earthly Branches.mp4 134.86M
25-Twenty-Five: The Twelve Earthly Branches and the Three Harmonies
1-The Twenty-Fifth Episode: The Twelve Earthly Branches and the Three Harmonies.mp4 256.92M
26-The Origin of the Eight Trigrams of the First Heaven
1 – Episode 26 Origin of the First Heavenly Bagua.mp4 124.99M
27-The Twenty-Seventh Collection of Houtian Bagua
1-The Twenty-Seventh Episode Houtian Bagua.mp4 483.93M

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