Zeng Shiqiang I Ching wisdom video 150 episodes

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Information name: Zeng Shiqiang The Wisdom of I Ching Video 150 episodes

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/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22048. The Wisdom of I Ching
by Zeng Shiqiang
Episodes 101-150
101_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 41)_Loss Gua (Upper) Loss to Repair Yourself.mp4 243.53M
102_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 41)_Loss Gua (Lower) Losing for the Way of the Day.mp4 233.45M
103_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 42)_Yi Gua (Upper) Loss is the Ultimate Benefit.mp4 198.14M
104_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 42)_Yi Gua (Lower) Learning for the Increasing.mp4 224.31M
105_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 43)_Decisive Gua (Upper) Decisive.mp4 222.22M
106_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 43)_Decisive Gua (Lower) Evil Cannot Overcome Right.mp4 214.77M
107_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 44)_Copulating the Trigram (Upper) Unanticipated Encounters.mp4 202.68M
108_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 44)_Copulating (Lower) Preaching Culture.mp4 191.28M
109_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 45)_Cui Gua (Upper) The Way of Aggregation.mp4 201.99M
110_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 45)_Cui Gua (Lower) The Way of Gathering Less and Leaving More.mp4 188.33M
111_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 46)_Sheng Gua (Upper) Gathering Small to Become Large.mp4 189.71M
112_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 46)_Rising Gua (Lower) Rising in Time.mp4 201.44M
113_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 47)_Sleepy Gua (Upper) The Way of Sleepy.mp4 205.47M
114_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 47)_The Troubled Trigram (Lower) The Right Way.mp4 201.59M
115_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 48)_Well Gua (Upper) Unchanging and Passing.mp4 235.67M
116_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 48)_Well Gua (Lower) Endless Provision.mp4 215.12M
117_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 49)_Ge Gua (Upper) The Way of Innovation.mp4 221.19M
118_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 49)_Ge Gua (Lower) The Way of Shunting Heaven and Responding to People.mp4 223.28M
119_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 50)_Ding Gua (Upper) Revolutionizing the Old and the New.mp4 204.85M
120_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 50)_Ding Gua (Lower) Rite of Passage.mp4 202.00M
121_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 51)_Zhen Gua (Upper) Endeavouring to be alert.mp4 236.79M
122_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 51)_Zhen Gua (Lower) Longevity and Peace.mp4 238.94M
123_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 52)_Guang Gua (Upper) Great Worry and Great Determination.mp4 232.83M
124_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 52)_The Burgundy Trigram (Lower) Stopping What It Stops.mp4 228.19M
125_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 53)_The Gradual Trigram (Upper): Step by Step.mp4 234.06M
126_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 53)_The Gradual Gua (Lower) Long and Steady.mp4 221.08M
127_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 54)_Gui Mei Gua (Upper) is difficult to decide.mp4 192.07M
128_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 54)_Guimei Gua (Lower) Knowing that I will never end.mp4 196.89M
129_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 55)_Feng Gua (Upper) Seeking and preserving abundance.mp4 209.32M
130_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 55)_Feng Gua (Lower) The Way of Plenty.mp4 186.53M
131_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 56)_Traveling Gua (Upper) The Way of Travel.mp4 230.81M
132_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 56)_Traveling Gua (Lower) The Way of Traveling.mp4 226.52M
133_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 57)_Xun Gua (Upper) Softness is appropriate.mp4 247.38M
134_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 57)_Xun Gua (Lower) Humility and Virtue.mp4 226.85M
135_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 58)_Tui Gua (Upper) Harmony and Happiness.mp4 236.33M
136_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 58)_Tui Gua (Lower) Optimistic Life.mp4 227.57M
137_I Ching Wisdom_(Gua Sequence 59)_Lax Gua (Upper) When Scattering is Scattering.mp4 234.60M
138_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 59)_Lax Gua (Lower) Reuniting Hearts and Minds.mp4 224.07M
139_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 60)_Ji Gua_(Upper) Regulating the Right.mp4 303.60M
140_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 60)_Sectional Gua (Lower) Regulating the People Harmony.mp4 315.35M
141_The Wisdom of the I Ching_The Wisdom of the I Ching (Upper) Trigram in Trigram.mp4 206.28M
142_The Wisdom of the I Ching_The Wonderful Uses of the I Ching (Lower) Self-occupation and Self-explanation.mp4 233.16M
143_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 61)_Zhong Fu Gua (Upper) Guang Shi Cheng Xin.mp4 310.34M
144_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 61)_Zhong Fu Gua (Lower) Sincerity without Delusion.mp4 322.46M
145_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 62)_Xiaoyu Gua (Upper) Leave Room for Grace.mp4 301.13M
146_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 62)_Xiaoyu Gua (Lower) Follow the Trend.mp4 296.99M
147_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 63)_Everest Gua (Upper) Keeping the Hardships.mp4 190.89M
148_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 63)_Everest Trigram (Lower) Blessing Over Disaster.mp4 190.95M
149_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 64)_Wei Ji Gua (Upper) Prudence and Progress.mp4 214.72M
150_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 64)_Wei Ji Gua (Lower) Always Have Hope.mp4 207.90M
Episodes 51-100
051_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 19)_Lin Gua (below) Being There.mp4 306.60M
052_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 20)_Kuan Gua (Upper) Observe and Admire.mp4 266.99M
053_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 20)_Viewing the Gua (Bottom)_See the Microscopic.mp4 260.92M
054_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Summary 01_Cautious Beginning, Good End.mp4 307.38M
055_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Summary 02_The Way of Gua Sequence.mp4 264.52M
056_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Overview_Culture and Civilization.mp4 288.73M
057_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 21)_Phagocytic Trigram (Upper) Removing Obstacles.mp4 271.39M
058_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 21)_Phagocentric Gua (Lower) The Way of the Prison.mp4 268.70M
059_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 22)_Ben Gua (Upper) Humanism.mp4 283.03M
060_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 22)_Ben Gua (Lower) Dressing Decently.mp4 273.84M
061_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 23)_Stripping Gua (Upper) Benji Stripping Beginning.mp4 270.24M
062_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 23)_Strip the trigram (Bottom) The fruit is not eaten.mp4 256.56M
063_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 24)_Fu Gua (Upper) Stripping the pole and restoring it.mp4 251.36M
064_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 24)_Fu Gua (Lower) The Road to Revival.mp4 236.51M
065_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 25)_Wu Shu Gua (Upper) Righteousness without Delusion.mp4 267.39M
066_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 25)_Wu Yu Gua (Lower) Avoiding Misfortune and Becoming a Success.mp4 283.54M
067_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 26)_Dazhu Gua (Upper) Dazhu Virtue.mp4 259.46M
068_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 26)_Da Zu Gua (Lower) Deliberate Beginning and Respectful End.mp4 257.14M
069_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 27)_Yi Gua (Upper) The Way of the Yi Nurture.mp4 282.41M
070_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 27)_Yi Gua (Lower) The Way of Self-Made.mp4 268.37M
071_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 28)_Da Guo Gua (Upper) Da Guo Da Wu.mp4 257.08M
072_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 28)_The Great Transgression (Lower) The Great Transgression.mp4 258.98M
073_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 29)_Kan Gua (Upper) Not to be surprised by danger.mp4 271.08M
074_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 29)_Kan Gua (Lower) Stopping Danger with Danger.mp4 236.72M
075_I Ching Wisdom_(Gua Sequence 30)_Li Gua (Upper) Lifting Up.mp4 240.33M
076_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 30)_Li Gua (Lower) The Path of Light.mp4 242.52M
077_The Wisdom of the I Ching_The I Ching_Overview of the Upper Sutra.mp4 205.96M
078_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Sequential Gua Chuan 03_The Body of the I Ching.mp4 224.16M
079_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 31)_Ham Gua (Upper) Heartless Sense.mp4 243.66M
080_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 31)_Ham Gua (Lower) Heartfelt Feelings.mp4 262.46M
081_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 32)_Heng Gua (Upper) The Way to Constancy.mp4 204.73M
082_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 32)_Heng Gua (Lower) The Way of Heaven and Earth.mp4 205.04M
083_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 33)_Transcending the Gua (Upper) Retreating to the Mountains.mp4 195.98M
084_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 33)_Tsun Gua (Lower) Retreating from the Mountain.mp4 199.37M
085_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 34)_Da Zhuang Gua (Upper) The Way of the Great Strength.mp4 269.24M
086_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 34)_Da Zhuang Gua (Lower) The Way of the Great Strength.mp4 264.54M
087_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 35)_Jin Gua (Upper) Bright and open.mp4 250.72M
088_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 35)_Jin Gua (Lower) Treating People with Generosity.mp4 240.82M
089_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 36)_Ming Yi Gua (Upper) A Life of Trouble.mp4 231.69M
090_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 36)_Ming Yi Gua (Lower) Brightness of Heart.mp4 242.87M
091_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 37)_Family Gua (Upper) Integrity and Family.mp4 251.52M
092_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 37)_Family Gua (Lower) Loyalty and Goodness.mp4 257.85M
093_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 38)_Partial Gua (Upper) The Harm of Doubt.mp4 235.39M
094 (The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 38)_Partial Gua (Lower) Harmful but not contentious.mp4 227.64M
095_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 39)_ Jian Gua (Upper) The more frustrated the more courageous.mp4 215.11M
096_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 39)_Jian Gua (Lower) Stopping at the Best.mp4 206.38M
097_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 40)_Xie Gua (Upper) Turning Danger into Peace.mp4 225.87M
098_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 40)_Solving the Trigrams (Bottom) Waiting for the Time to Move.mp4 199.59M
099_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Summary 02_Chanting Nature.mp4 212.97M
100_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Summary 04_Two Together as One.mp4 224.52M
The Wisdom of the I Ching Episodes 1-50
001_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Commentary 01_The Dragon and Horse Negative.mp4 231.44M
002_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Discourse 02_The Divine Tortoise Carries the Book.mp4 250.24M
003_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Theory 03_The Heavenly Man and the Virtues.mp4 328.76M
004_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Theory 04_Human-Centeredness.mp4 290.82M
005_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Theory 05_The Way of Yin and Yang.mp4 284.35M
006_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Theory 06_The Eight Trigrams Determine Heaven and Earth.mp4 296.42M
007_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General Theory 07_The I Ching and Destiny.mp4 307.16M
008_The Wisdom of the I Ching_General 08_Deciphering the Trigrams.mp4 252.45M
009_The Wisdom of the I Ching_The Gate of Qiankun Yi.mp4 251.97M
010_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 01)_Qian Gua (Upper) Qian Gua Six Dragons.mp4 302.12M
011_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 01)_The Six Dragons of the Qian Gua (Lower).mp4 279.25M
012_The Wisdom of the I Ching_The Book of Changes_Confucius Wenyan Biography.mp4 293.44M
013_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 02)_Kun Gua (Upper)_Yang Ji Cheng Yin.mp4 271.69M
014_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 02)_Kun Gua(Lower)_Earthly Way Soft and Rigid.mp4 332.26M
015_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Qiankun Overview_The Way of Qiankun.mp4 298.52M
016_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 03)_Tun Gua (Upper) The Difficulty of Beginning Life.mp4 232.26M
017_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 03)_Tun Gua (Lower) The Way of Creation.mp4 231.06M
018_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 04)_Meng Gua (Upper) The Way of Meng to Raise the Righteous.mp4 270.50M
019_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 04)_Meng Gua (Lower) The Way of Teaching and Transformation.mp4 254.35M
020_I Ching Wisdom_(Gua Sequence 05)_Needs Gua (Upper) Needs to Wait.mp4 293.28M
021_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 05)_Needs Gua (Lower) The Way of Waiting.mp4 312.26M
022_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 06)_Litigation Gua (Upper) Striving for Strength and Victory.mp4 347.18M
023 (The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_Trigram Sequence 06)_Litigation Gua (Lower) Removing the Tiredness of Litigation.mp4 285.11M
024_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 07)_Shi Gua (Upper) Shi Worry than Joy.mp4 353.46M
025_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 07)_Shi Gua (Lower) The Right Way of the Teacher.mp4 274.87M
026_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 08)_Bi Gua (Upper)_Pro-Bi Harmony.mp4 279.78M
027_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 08)_Bi Gua (Lower) Love and Harmony.mp4 291.67M
028_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Sequential Gua Chuan 01_The Gua has an order.mp4 247.95M
029_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 09)_Xiaoxu Gua (Upper) Xiao have animal gathering.mp4 243.55M
030_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 09)_Xiaoxu Gua (Lower) Feeding the Great with the Small.mp4 246.36M
031_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 10)_Fu Gua (Upper) Practicing the Way of Heaven.mp4 254.40M
032_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 10)_Cu Gua (Lower) Softness can overcome hardness.mp4 263.10M
033_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 11)_Tai Gua (Upper) Peace Under Heaven.mp4 266.54M
034_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 11)_Tai Gua (Lower) The Responsibilities of a Gentleman.mp4 262.66M
035_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 12)_Fu Gua (Upper) Wu from Tai.mp4 253.65M
036_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 12)_No Gua (Lower) Wu Dao is Foolish.mp4 236.24M
037_The Wisdom of the I Ching_Tai Wu Overview_Fuji Tai Lai.mp4 290.79M
038_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 13)_Tong Ren Gua (Upper) Treating All People the Same.mp4 284.85M
039_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 13)_Tong Ren Gua (Bottom) One Heart for All.mp4 295.32M
040_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 14)_Da You Gua (Upper) Be Rich and Be Benevolent.mp4 206.30M
041_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 14)_Da You Gua (Lower) Enjoying Wealth.mp4 217.45M
042_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 15)_Qian Gua (Upper) Humility and Ritual.mp4 239.25M
043_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 15)_Qian Gua (Lower) Humble Gentleman.mp4 243.20M
044_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 16)_Yu Gua (Upper) Joyful and Unhappy.mp4 290.97M
045_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 16)_Yu Gua (Lower) Joy with All.mp4 260.72M
046_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 17)_Sui Gua (Upper) Choosing the Good and Following.mp4 277.84M
047_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 17)_Following the Gua (Lower) Moving at any time.mp4 260.71M
048_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 18)_Compulsion Gua (Upper) Fixing Corruption.mp4 271.70M
049_The Wisdom of the I Ching_(Gua Sequence 18)_Compulsion Gua (Lower) Lifting Disorder.mp4 243.79M
050_The Wisdom of the Book of Changes_(Gua Sequence 19)_Lin Gua (Upper) Fearing the Presence of Things.mp4 307.60M

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