Black old lady fox fairy black fox Dharma door audio picture information

Profile information.

Profile name: Black Old Lady Fox Fairy Black Fox Dharma Audio Photo Profile

Profile Number: 22B09102

Profile Size: 17.39MB

Language: Chinese

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Black Fox Dharma
This method respects the black old lady (black mother) of Jiu Ding Tie Sha Mountain as the main deity, which is the northeastern Taoist protector, not a mountain spirit wild magic

This method relies on the fox fairy guardian under her command to perform magic and enhance her own magic power. Fox fairy magic mainly to gain class, can help people to help themselves, to avoid bad luck, often practice can enhance their own luck, charm, people, etc.. Can also help people deal with evil or clean house, pray for blessings and some other routine things, can be said to benefit people and their own law

Teaching content:
Fox Fairy Mantra (Invite Fox Fairy)
Support Mantra (On call)
Body Protection Mantra (Protecting the body with blessings)
Peach Blossom Mantra (human edge blessing)
The Royal Charm Mantra
Inner Refinement (Inner Refinement Foundation)
Pain Relief Mantra
Blood Stopping
Bone Transformation Water
Seal the body with an amulet (the word seal the body, can prevent the loss of soul)
Increase power anomaly (swallowed on the 15th day of the first month to increase power)
peach blossom charm anomaly
fortune anomaly
Body protection
Ru Yi Fu (everything goes well)
Sending Evil Angelica
Fox Fairy Medicine Picking
Fox Fairy House Purification
Fox fairy all sickness water
Punching the table to pray for blessing method (praying for blessing instruments)
Heavenly net to seal the evil spell (descend the heavenly net to cover the demons and evil monsters)
Fox fairy charm enlightenment method (enlightenment jewelry and a certain degree of increase in charm)
Fox fairy universal spirit flower word (a taboo word a thousand changes, one method for all purposes)

File directory.

/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/09/22B09102. Fox Fairy, Old Lady Black
Fox Fairy, Old Lady Black Audio.mp3 3.02M
Fox Fairy 01.jpg 599.00kb
Fox Fairy 02.jpg 601.49kb
Fox Fairy 03.jpg 663.17kb
Fox Fairy 04.jpg 607.29kb
Fox Fairy 05.jpg 565.39kb
Fox Fairy 06.jpg 597.90kb
Fox Fairy 07.jpg 577.75kb
Fox Fairy 08.jpg 649.44kb
Fox Fairy 09.jpg 598.99kb
Fox Fairy 10.jpg 651.62kb
Fox Fairy 11.jpg 761.67kb
Fox Fairy 12.jpg 706.14kb
Fox Fairy 13.jpg 720.90kb
Fox Fairy 14.jpg 664.61kb
Fox Fairy 15.jpg 771.23kb
Fox Fairy 16.jpg 693.98kb
Fox Fairy 17.jpg 677.01kb
Fox Fairy 18.jpg 787.11kb
Fox Fairy 19.jpg 756.43kb
Fox Fairy 20.jpg 856.26kb
Fox Fairy 21.jpg 397.80kb
Fox Fairy 22.jpg 433.13kb
Fox Fairy 23.jpg 368.41kb

Data screenshots.

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