Lai Jiuding’s “Nine Star Geography” page 332

Lai Jiuding’s “Nine Star Geography” 332-page photo version PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity) Introduction Lai Jiuding: Born in Hepu, Guangxi, born in Jiachen, bachelor degree; Master of Chinese Fengshui, expert, mentor; Lai Buyi, the national teacher of the Song Dynasty, the 39th generation of Fengshui master of “Cuifulou” Fengshui doorman. He was originally a cadre of an administrative department of the government.

Lai Jiuding’s “Nine Star Geography” 332 pages photo version PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity)


Lai Jiuding: Born in Hepu, Guangxi, born in Jiachen, bachelor degree; Master of Chinese Fengshui , expert, mentor; Lai Buyi, the national teacher of the Song Dynasty, is the 39th generation master of Fengshui “Zui Fu Lou”. He was originally a cadre of an administrative department of the government. Because he is the main successor and current head of the Lai School of Fengshui, he has won the true biography of Lai Buyi’s Beidou Jiuxing Hanging Palace Fengshui and Beidou Jiuxing Hanging Palace to choose a day. At present, Lai Jiuding is the president of Cui Fu Lou International Feng Shui Academy, the president of Lai Buyi International Feng Shui Research Association, the president of Cui Fu Lou International Feng Shui Academy Education Development Foundation, and the chairman of Lai Buyi International Feng Shui Science Foundation. The executive vice president of China Zeji Science and Culture Research Institute, the executive vice president of the Chinese Traditional Culture Joint Promotion Association, and his titles include: Yixue postgraduate tutor, famous day selection expert, international day course appraiser (GZA), senior geomancy Home, senior property diagnosis expert, senior home feng shui planner, senior layout planner, lifelong visiting professor of the Hong Kong World Life Science Research Association, and currently the only general Chinese feng shui and auspicious tutor of the China Auspicious Science and Culture Research Institute. In order to carry forward and promote Fengshui of commoners, resign from Yi, and make the thousand-year-old “Cuifulou” reappear in society. In the year of Wuyin, “Cuifulou Fengshui Day Museum” was founded, and in the year of Gengchen, it was renamed: “Cuifulou Yi”. In the year of Jichou, it was upgraded and registered in Hong Kong as: “Cuifulou International Academy of Fengshui Science”, and in the year of Renchen, it was added: “Lai Buyi International Fengshui Research Association”. Already published books: “Five Elements to Choose a Day”, “Xuankong Flying Stars to Choose a Day”, “Marriage to Choose a Day”, “Nine Stars to Choose a Day” and “Nine-Star Geography”, “The True Biography of Geography in Three Bureaus “, “True Biography of Three-Yuan Geography and Staring at the Stars” and sorting out ancestral geomantic omen and date selection cheats: “The Secret Method of Choosing a Date in the Big Dipper and Nine Stars Hanging Palace”, “The Secret Method of Geography in the Big Dipper and Nine Stars Hanging Palace”, “Reminder to Officials Fengshui Secrets”, “Shaoxing Dadi Eight seals and thirty-six seals” and more than ten volumes. At present, there are more than 5,000 students, including more than 100 disciples.

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