Du Yanlin, Jiang Dahong’s “(Biography of Jiang Gongxin) Daxuan Kong Tiandi Qian Jue” page 248

Du Yanlin and Jiang Dahong’s “(Jiang Gongxin Biography) Daxuan Kong Tiandi Qian Jue” 248-page PDF e-book download. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below.) Foreword Song of the Ancient Mirror”, “Shuilongjing”, “Guihoulu”

Du Yanlin and Jiang Dahong’s “(Jiang Gongxin Biography) Daxuan Kong Tiandi Qian Jue” 248-page PDF e-book download. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


Daxuankong Fengshui was forbidden to pass on to the patriarch Jiang Gong, in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties Jiang Gong obtained the true biography of Wujizi, learned Sima Toutuo’s water method, and traveled all over the country to write “Geography Dialectics”, “Ancient Mirror Song”, “Shuilongjing”, “Guihoulu” and other great works. From the hand-copied secret book handed down by my ancestors, it can be seen that there is no teacher in the world. Although he has read through thousands of volumes and exhausted his energy, his method of staring upside down is still difficult to understand. For many years, I have witnessed Master Huan’s deeds, causing many disasters and harming others and myself. Countless Feng Shui enthusiasts have not been able to pass on the truth. Daxuankong Fengshui takes Luantou as its body and regulates Qi as its function. Luantou discusses dragons to learn from sand and water, observes the shape of Qi, regulates Qi and talks about the positive and negative fortune of Yuan, and measures the prosperity and failure of people. The two cooperate with each other and cannot be neglected. The characteristics of regulating qi are one white, two black, three green, four green, five yellow, six white, seven red, eight white, nine purple and nine stars. According to the luck of the Yuan Dynasty, it is divided into Yin and Yang, and people are in the palace.

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