Lu Yan’s “Lv Yanwang Feng Shui for Wealth and Fortune” 343 pages high-definition version

Download the 343-page high-definition PDF e-book of Lu Yan’s “Lv Yanwang Fengshui for Prosperous Fortune”. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Introduction This book mainly explains basic knowledge of feng shui, compass operation, five elements to improve luck, Wenchang feng shui, marriage feng shui, office feng shui, store location selection, prosperity feng shui, and the layout of good fortune in fleeting years, etc. And in the final “Feng Shui Improvement”

Download PDF e-book of Lu Yan’s “Feng Shui of Lu Yanwang’s Lucky Fortune” 343 pages high-definition version. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


This book mainly explains the basic knowledge of Fengshui, compass operation, five elements to improve luck, Wenchang Feng shui, marriage feng shui, office feng shui, shop location, prosperous wealth feng shui and the layout of good luck in fleeting years, etc. And in the last “Feng Shui Improvement Chapter”, the theory of Feng Shui is explained. Readers who want to further improve their Feng Shui knowledge can choose to read it. This book is a must-have feng shui reference book for prosperity, luck, and good luck. Its content is based on simplicity, practicality, and operability. Readers will be able to master the specific methods of Fengshui operation, such as promoting wealth by Fengshui, changing luck by Fengshui, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

Brief introduction of the author

Lv Yan, male, bachelor degree, Fengshui master, fortune teller, lived in Guangzhou for a long time, in his youth, he began to learn Yi Xue from his cousin since middle school, good at feng shui of yin and yang houses, eight-character numerology, Liuyao, gossip and other magic numbers, I hope to form good relationships and do my best to solve problems for those who are destined to seek good luck and avoid evil. Here we provide you with Fengshui planning, corporate Fengshui, factory Fengshui, real estate Fengshui, Fengshui house selection, cemetery Fengshui, horoscope fortune-telling, name change, marriage selection and other business items.

Table of Contents

Preface Part 1, Feng Shui Basics Feng Shui Overview of Yin Yang and Five Elements Recognition of Bagua Xuan Kong Nine Stars Twenty-Four Mountain Heads and Li Qi Shan Shui Mountain Head Recognition of Li Qi Part 2 Five Elements for Good Luck Changing luck by name Changing luck by position Changing luck by career Changing luck by color Changing luck by zodiac sign Changing luck by character Chapter 3, Wenchang Good Luck Peach Blossom Helps Marriage Four Positive and Prosperous Peach Blossom Zodiac Marriage Chapter 5, Business Fengshui Prosperous House Shape Unit Name and Sign Fengshui Lion Placement Wealth and Prosperous Items Look for Fleeting Fengshui Wealth Look for Fixed Fengshui Wealth Seventh Lucky House Wealth Eighth Lucky House Ninth Lucky Fortune The production method of dispelling the three evil spirits of the year and dispelling the safe water. Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Year-by-year layout Good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Year-by-year good luck layout Chapter eight, Fengshui improvement chapter , Understanding Xuankong, Three Yuan, Nine Luck, Prosperity and Decline of Nine Stars, Good and Bad Meanings of Nine Stars, Flying House Luck, Judging the Composition of the Astrolabe, Finding out the Four Patterns of the Astrolabe, Feng Shui Analysis, Key Points of Double Stars, Plus Meeting, Xuankong Big Gua, Appendix Xuankong Astrolabe

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