Xu Qinting’s “Chinese Geomancy” in 5 volumes

Xu Qinting’s “Chinese Geomancy” PDF e-book download in all 5 volumes. Introduction Gemology is the study of astronomy and geography for application in life. Those who really understand the way can control the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, the gods change in the infinite, and help the cause of immortals, Buddhas and sages. At the top, they can assist the monarch to rule the country and the world, and at the bottom, they can seek good fortune and avoid evil, so as to seek the welfare of others and myself. Those who don’t know the way will perish, destroy their families, and die for heaven

Xu Qinting’s “Chinese Geomancy” PDF e-book download in all 5 volumes.


Gemology is the study of astronomy and geography for application in life. Those who really understand the way can control the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, the gods change in the infinite, and help the cause of immortals, Buddhas and sages. At the top, they can assist the monarch to rule the country and the world, and at the bottom, they can seek good fortune and avoid evil, so as to seek the welfare of others and myself. Those who don’t know the way perish, ruin their country, ruin their families, and are lamented and ridiculed by future generations. It’s not too sad. Therefore, when Tang Shu was old, he knew how strong the future generations would be. Fu Jian violated the old age and suffered the misfortune of subjugation; The ignorant people are superstitious and self-deprecating. It is appropriate to get rid of the accumulated habits. On the night of true knowledge, there is no choice but to be born. Since Yu Zhixue, he has studied all kinds of scriptures and the mysteries of Chinese and Western philosophy, and researched in the Book of Changes, Buddhism and Taoism. He has the ambition to change the time, but the time does not work for him. He wrote this article, hoping that those who read it later will benefit Beneficial to people, out of water and fire, and to benefit the country and the people, to create the peace of the world

Dr. All over the world, it has made great contributions to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. Yi Xue monograph “Explaining the Book of Changes in detail” and “Explaining the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of the Book of Changes in detail”. Each paragraph of the original text of “Yi Dui” is described in detail and vividly. There are not only hints on chapter structure and paragraph connection, but also a large number of historical examples pasted into society and life to develop the meaning of the original text. What is particularly novel is that the series of lectures on the original text is divided into “phonetic notes”, “meaningful translations”, “images and numbers”, and “historical proofs”. of classics.

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