Zhang Chengda’s “Practical Tips for Yin Houses”

Zhang Chengda’s “Practical Tips for Yin Houses” PDF e-book download. Introduction Since ancient times, Feng Shui in the Yin House has been passed down orally and kept secret. Various teaching materials sold on the market cannot reveal its insider essence. This book will teach you the secret and true thing: how to choose a tomb? How to get out of the spirit? How to bury? How to choose a date? How to avoid the taboo of bereavement? How to resolve it?

Zhang Chengda’s “Practical Tips for Yin Houses” PDF e-book download.


Since ancient times, Feng Shui in the Yin House has been passed down orally and kept secret. Various teaching materials sold on the market cannot reveal its insider essence. This book will teach you the secret and true thing: how to choose a tomb? How to get out of the spirit? How to bury? How to choose a date? How to avoid the taboo of bereavement? How to resolve it? … After you comprehend this book, you will surely become a qualified Feng Shui master.


The ancient and modern books on geography and geomantic omen can be said to be like a mountain of books, and the method is as close as they come, and it is quite difficult to rely on self-study. Let’s learn from a teacher, the asking price is too high, so that it is difficult to popularize this science. In the past few years, I often went to choose tombs, burials, and relocations with some geographers who are good at this skill, and then combined with various books to study with great concentration, and finally realized something. In recent years, I often bring some Yi friends who are keen on this practice to go up the mountain to search for dragon acupuncture points, and I have summed up some experience. In order to make this science continue and develop, I have revealed the secrets that are not explained in the books, incorporated the common spells used by geographers in practice, and compiled this textbook “Practical Points of Yin House”, which is intended to let you have a look It is easy to understand and can be practically operated. The book is divided into five parts: Tomb Selection, Spirit Exodus, Burial, Day Selection, and Breaking. After you master it, you will surely become a qualified Feng Shui master. My good friend Mr. Sha Hongzhou (Mr. Zu Chuan Yin Yang) carefully revised the manuscript, and I would like to express my sincere thanks!

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