Zhang Jueming’s “Home Fengshui Essence”

Zhang Jueming’s “Feng Shui at Home” PDF e-book download. Introduction Feng Shui has become a fashionable topic, merchants use it to build momentum, booksellers use the title to print books, and charlatans take advantage of the opportunity to make money. “Masters are flying all over the sky, and “big works” cover the ground, making people dazzled and unable to agree on what to do. From the important Yangzhai classics of the past dynasties, the author discards the chaff and preserves the essence, selects the essence and extracts the essentials, so that readers can distinguish “Ming Ming” and “Ming Ming”.

Chang Jueming’s “Feng Shui at Home” PDF e-book download.


Feng Shui has become a fashionable topic, and merchants use it to build momentum, booksellers use the title to print books, and charlatans take advantage of the opportunity to make money. “Masters are flying all over the sky, and “big works” are covering the ground, making people dazzled and unable to agree on what to do. From the important Yangzhai classics in the past, the author discards the chaff and keeps the essence, selects the essence and extracts the essentials, so that readers can distinguish “Masters” instead of being “vulgar teachers” “, “false teacher” and other quack warlocks. The author learned from the Sanyuan Impermanence School, followed the steps of the former sages, corrected many specious or accumulated non-truths, and collected the essence of ancient and modern works of famous sages into one This book is actually the best reference guide. “Home Fengshui Essentials” discusses various problems of home Fengshui in detail, as well as various supplies for correcting evil spirits. Its incisive insights are the best consultants for everyone.

About the author

He was born in Gong’an County, Hubei Province. He used to be the planning manager of a public relations company, the editor-in-chief of a publishing house and a magazine, the director and editor-in-chief of a newspaper column group, and a researcher at the Taiwan Regional Development Research Institute. He is currently a freelance writer, business management consultant, and Feng Shui consultant. More than 50 volumes of various types, including: 1. University books: “Modern Magazine Editing”, “News English”, “Police and Public Relations”, “Film Screenwriting”. “, “Business Strategy”, “Management Strategies”, “Crisis Management Master”, “Negotiation Master”. ), “Lee Teng-hui’s Best Friend” (co-authored), “The Legend of Lien Chan” (co-authored), “The Prequels of James Soong” (co-authored), “The Black Gold President”, “Judgment of Lee Teng-hui”, “Sea and Air Overlord Zhang Rongfa” (co-authored) 4. Fengshui category: “Yangzhai Wenchang”, “Yangzhai Medicine”, “Yangzhai Layout”, “Yangzhai Dispelling Evil”, “Yangzhai Foundation”, “Yangzhai Choosing a Day”, “Yangzhai Gathering Wealth”, “Eight Houses of Mirrors” Explanation”, “Zibai Jue Intricate Explanation”, “Xuankong Secret Essay Intricate Explanation”, “Fengshui and Housing Choice”, “Fengshui and Villages and Towns”, “Fengshui and City”, “Fengshui and Development”, “Fengshui and Buddhist Temples” , “Feng Shui School of Jiangnan”, “Feng Shui of Chinese Celebrities”, “Feng Shui of Famous Chinese Cities”, “Feng Shui of Famous Chinese Towns”, “Feng Shui of Famous Chinese Villages”, “Feng Shui of Famous Chinese Temples”, “Feng Shui of Famous Chinese Tombs”.

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