Zeng Zinan “The Complete Set of Lecture Notes for Three-Yuan Geography Correspondence”

Zeng Zinan’s “The Complete Set of Lectures for Three-Yuan Geography Correspondence” hand-typed and sorted version attached PDF e-book download. Content introduction The first chapter of the opening chapter clearly reveals the secret of heaven today. The familiar Tianjimi, Yang Zeng reappeared. From today onwards, we are good friends who have learned from each other, because I am going to use my reason and hard work to study Aoyan’s profound Xuankong Dagua thoroughly, and I can

Zeng Zinan’s “The Complete Set of Lectures for Three-Yuan Geography Correspondence” manual typing and sorting version attached PDF e-book download.

Content Introduction

The first chapter of the opening chapter reveals the secret today . The familiar Tianjimi, Yang Zeng reappeared.

From today onwards, we are good friends who have learned from each other, because I am going to use my reason and hard work to thoroughly study Aoyan’s profound Xuankong Dagua, and those who can use it flexibly and participate are all like-minded , with the spirit of studying philosophy, I hope we will work together to uncover the mystery of the gourd. Can you understand how interesting this is? Geomancy is a kind of academic, just because everything in the universe has its principles and principles, so it has the effect of good or bad, if it can be manipulated, not only It can be used to change people’s fate and make people rich and honorable, and it can also make people poor and humble and die young. It can even be used to govern the country and the world. For example, Jiang Taigong, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, Shao Kangjie, Liu Bowen and others all use Xuankong Dagua The principle is to help the Ming rule the country and the world at that time, because the Xuankong Dagua has so many uses, so those who know it will regard it as a treasure, and they will not pass it on easily, and even keep the truth secret. In order not to be lost for a long time, I have no choice but to write it in a book and pass it on forever, but I am afraid that people will get it easily, so I use riddles to hint, so those who can’t really pass it on, no matter how superb their wisdom is, it is difficult to understand, and the readers are guessing riddles every day. For more than a thousand years, no one has guessed it. Today we are here to host this riddle guessing conference, and we must make everyone guess the answer. From now on, there will never be any Feng Shui riddles.

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Complete set of Zeng Zinan Sanyuan Geography Correspondence Lectures (hand-typed and sorted high-definition electronic version attached photos)

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