Lu Wenyi’s “The Complete Works of Lu’s Feng Shui Theory” 774 pages

Lu Wenyi’s “The Complete Works of Lu’s Feng Shui Theory” 774-page PDF download. Part of the content is on the occasion of the Yijie event being held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Here, first of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all distinguished leaders and distinguished guests! I wish all leaders and guests good health and all the best! This is a scientific and realistic, united and harmonious

Lv Wenyi’s “The Complete Works of Lu’s Fengshui Theory” 774-page PDF download.

Part of the content

On the occasion of the Yijie event being held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, here, first of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all distinguished leaders and distinguished guests! I wish all leaders and guests , good health, and all the best! This is a scientific and realistic, united and harmonious conference. We Yijie colleagues should insist on using General Secretary Hu Jintao’s “scientific development concept” to study and apply Yi Xue. From the day it was founded, Yixue has been divided into two major theoretical systems, one is the Yili system and the other is the image-number system. The axiom system belongs to social science, while the image-number system belongs to natural science. However, whether it is Yi theory or image and number, it belongs to science. If it is science, it should adhere to scientific principles to study it and apply it. If it goes against scientific principles to research, use, and publicize Yixue, then Yixue will become mysticism, superstition, and a tool for fraudulent people to swindle money, and the cause of Yixue will be pushed to a desperate situation. Adhering to General Secretary Hu Jintao’s “Scientific Outlook on Development” is easy to research, easy to use, easy to promote and easy to learn, which means that we Yixue colleagues should adhere to the “scientific” point of view, strictly distinguish Yixue from fake Yixue, carry forward the scientific Yixue, and make false Scientific pseudo-Yi Xue abandons criticism; protects, trains and promotes Yi Xue people who are scientifically researched, easy to use, and easy to promote Yi Xue, and eradicates non-genuine Yi Xue people who cheat and deceive under the banner of Yi Xue. Only in this way can the cause of Yi Xue be healthy An orderly love development. What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? What is the difference between Yixue and pseudo-yixue? Is fate prediction science or pseudoscience? As long as we can adhere to scientific principles, we can distinguish the truth from the false.

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