why no plants in bedroom feng shui

Why Feng Shui Advises Against Having Plants in the Bedroom

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that emphasizes the balance of energy within a space. Plants, being living beings, are believed to carry energy that can affect the energy balance of a room. While plants are generally seen as positive additions to a home or office, it is often advised to avoid having them in the bedroom. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this feng shui advice and what alternatives there are for bringing nature into the bedroom.

The Role of Energy in Feng Shui

Feng shui is based on the belief that everything in the world is made of energy or \”chi\”. This energy can be positive or negative and can affect our health, wealth, relationships, and overall wellbeing. The goal of feng shui is to create a balance of positive energy flow in our environment to support and enhance our lives.

According to feng shui principles, each area of our homes is associated with different areas of our life, such as career, love, and health. The bedroom, for example, is associated with rest, relaxation, and intimacy. To create positive energy flow in the bedroom, it is important to avoid anything that may disrupt this flow, including plants.

Why Plants May Be Harmful in the Bedroom

While plants are generally seen as positive additions to a home or office, they carry energy that may not be suitable for the bedroom. One reason for this is that plants release carbon dioxide at night, which can affect the quality of the air in the bedroom. While this may not be harmful in small amounts, it can affect the quality of your sleep and leave you feeling groggy in the morning.

Another reason why plants may be harmful in the bedroom is that they carry yang energy. Yang energy is active and energizing, and while this may be positive in other areas of the home, it can disrupt the yin energy that is needed for rest and relaxation in the bedroom. The color green, which is associated with plants, is also considered to be a yang color, further reinforcing their unsuitability for the bedroom.

Finally, plants are living beings, and they carry their own energy or chi. This energy can be beneficial or harmful depending on the type of plant and its placement within the bedroom. Some plants may carry negative energy, such as thorny plants, which can cause anxiety or aggression, while others may carry positive energy, such as flowering plants, which can promote relaxation and positivity. However, it can be difficult to determine which plants carry what energy, and so it is often advised to avoid them altogether in the bedroom.

Alternatives to Plants in the Bedroom

If you want to bring nature into your bedroom but are advised against having plants, there are several alternatives you can consider. One option is to use natural materials, such as wood or stone, to create a calming and grounding atmosphere. You can also introduce natural scents, such as lavender or chamomile, to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

Another option is to use art or photography that features nature scenes, such as mountains or forests, to bring the calming energy of nature into your bedroom. You can also incorporate natural colors, such as blues, grays, and soft greens, to create a soothing and calming atmosphere.

If you are set on having plants in your bedroom, despite the feng shui advice, there are some types of plants that are believed to be more suitable for this space. These include plants that do not release carbon dioxide at night, such as succulents, or plants that have a calming energy, such as peace lilies or spider plants. However, it is important to research the specific plants you are considering and their energy effects before adding them to your bedroom.

In conclusion

Feng shui advice against having plants in the bedroom is based on the belief that they disrupt the flow of positive energy and yin energy needed for rest and relaxation. Plants release carbon dioxide at night, which can affect the quality of the air in the bedroom, and they carry yang energy, which can further disrupt the balance of yin energy. While there are some plants that are believed to be more suitable for the bedroom, it is often advised to avoid them altogether and consider alternative ways of bringing the calming energy of nature into the bedroom.

Original link: https://www.fengshuimeaning.com/blog/why-no-plants-in-bedroom-feng-shui , please indicate the source for reprinting.

