which way should a bed face in bedroom feng shui

Which Way Should a Bed Face in Bedroom Feng Shui?

The practice of Feng Shui has been around for centuries, originating in China. It is the art of arranging objects and spaces in a way that promotes good energy flow and balance. One of the most important areas in Feng Shui is the bedroom, as it is where we spend a significant portion of our lives. One question that often arises when applying Feng Shui principles to the bedroom is which way should a bed face? This article will explore the different factors to consider when answering this question.

The Importance of Bedroom Feng Shui

Before we delve into the question of which way a bed should face in Feng Shui, it is important to understand the significance of this practice. The bedroom is a sacred space where we go to rest and rejuvenate, and it plays a pivotal role in our overall health and wellbeing. Feng Shui principles maintain that the arrangement of objects and furniture in the bedroom can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. By creating a harmonious and balanced environment in the bedroom, we promote restful sleep and improved energy flow.

The Importance of Bed Placement in Bedroom Feng Shui

When it comes to Feng Shui, bed placement is one of the most critical aspects of bedroom design. The position and orientation of the bed can have a significant impact on the energy flow and balance of the room. In general, it is best to place the bed in a position of command, meaning that it has a clear view of the door and is not directly in line with it. This position offers a sense of security and control, which can promote restful sleep.

However, the direction the bed faces is equally important in Feng Shui. The direction of the bed can impact the quality of sleep, overall health, and even relationships.

Which Way Should the Bed Face in Feng Shui?

When it comes to which way a bed should face in Feng Shui, there are several factors to consider. These include the individual\’s birth date and the specific energy needs of the individual. Below are some of the most common directions for bed placement in Feng Shui:


In general, it is best to avoid placing the bed in the south direction in Feng Shui. The south is associated with the element of fire, and placing the bed in this direction can create excess heat and energy in the room. This can be detrimental to restful sleep and overall health.


The east is a favorable direction for bed placement in Feng Shui, as it is associated with personal growth and self-development. Placing the bed in the east direction can promote knowledge, creativity, and a sense of purpose.


The west is another favorable direction for bed placement in Feng Shui, as it is associated with strong relationships and partnerships. Placing the bed in the west direction can promote harmony and balance in the bedroom.


Placing the bed in the north direction in Feng Shui can promote career growth and success. It is associated with the element of water, which can promote clarity and focus.

The Individual\’s Birth Date and the Bed\’s Orientation

In addition to the direction of the bed in Feng Shui, the individual\’s birth date can also play a role in determining the bed\’s orientation. According to the principles of Feng Shui, each individual has a specific Kua number, which is determined based on their birth date. This number helps to identify the most favorable directions for that individual in terms of health, relationships, and career success.

If an individual\’s Kua number is male, they should place the head of the bed in the east direction and avoid the west direction. Alternatively, if the Kua number is female, the head of the bed should be situated in the west direction, with the east direction being avoided. These orientations are believed to offer the most positive energy flow for the individual\’s needs and promote restful sleep.

Feng Shui Tips for Bed Placement

In addition to considering the direction of the bed in Feng Shui, there are several other tips for bed placement that can promote a harmonious and balanced environment in the bedroom. These include:

Avoid placing the bed under a window

Placing the bed under a window in Feng Shui is typically considered unfavorable, as it can disrupt energy flow and expose the individual to excess outside noise and light. The bed should be positioned in a way that allows for a solid wall behind the headboard, which can promote a sense of stability and grounding.

Avoid placing the bed in line with the door

Placing the bed directly in line with the door in Feng Shui can create an uneasy and vulnerable feeling for the sleeper. It is best to position the bed so that it has a clear view of the door but is not directly aligned with it.

Avoid clutter in the bedroom

Clutter in the bedroom can disrupt energy flow and create a chaotic environment. It is best to keep the bedroom free of excess items and to create a sense of minimalism and simplicity in the space.

Add plants to the bedroom

Plants in the bedroom can promote positive energy flow and create a sense of tranquility and peace. Some of the best plants for the bedroom include snake plants, peace lilies, and bamboo palms.

Avoid electronics in the bedroom

Electronics in the bedroom can disrupt energy flow and create excess stimulation. It is best to keep electronics out of the bedroom or to limit their use in this space.


Overall, the direction of the bed in Feng Shui is an important consideration for creating a harmonious and balanced environment in the bedroom. While there are several favorable directions to consider, it is ultimately up to the individual to determine the best orientation based on their specific needs and Kua number. By following the tips and guidelines outlined above, individuals can create a restful and tranquil space that promotes overall health and wellbeing.

Original link: https://www.fengshuimeaning.com/blog/which-way-should-a-bed-face-in-bedroom-feng-shui , please indicate the source for reprinting.

