where should a bed go according to feng shui bedroom

Where Should a Bed Go According to Feng Shui Bedroom?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to create balance and harmony within an environment by optimizing its flow of energy, or \”chi.\” One of the major aspects of Feng Shui is the placement of furniture, specifically the bed in a bedroom. In this article, we will discuss the best places to put a bed according to Feng Shui.

The Commanding Position

The commanding position is the ideal spot for a bed, according to Feng Shui principles. It refers to a spot that is situated diagonally across from the bedroom door, providing the sleeper with a clear view of the entrance while lying in bed. This position allows for a feeling of safety and control, as the sleeping person can see anyone who enters the room. In addition, it creates a comfortable and spacious feeling because the sleeper is not directly in the path of the door\’s energy flow. According to some experts, this position also promotes better sleep, as it is believed that sleeping with one\’s head toward the door invites in too much energy and can disrupt sleep.

Avoidance of the Doorway

According to Feng Shui principles, the bed should never be placed directly in line with the doorway or facing the door. This is because it signifies a lack of privacy and control, as anybody entering the room can see the person in bed straight away. Furthermore, the energy flow from the door can be unsettling and disrupt sleep. The bed should always be angled away from the door to avoid these negative effects.

Best Position According to Room Shape

Depending on the shape of the bedroom, there may be specific guidelines to follow regarding the placement of the bed. Some examples include:

Rectangular-shaped Bedroom:

A rectangular-shaped bedroom is considered the easiest to optimize according to Feng Shui principles. The bed should be placed as far away from the door as possible, diagonally opposite the door. If there is not room for the bed to be angled away from the door, a wall may be used to create a separation between the bed and the door.

Square-shaped Bedroom:

A square-shaped bedroom can pose some challenges to Feng Shui placement of the bed. Ideally, the bed should be positioned with its headboard against a solid wall, avoiding the placement of the headboard directly opposite the door. Additionally, it should not be placed in the center of the room as it can create a feeling of being off-balance.

<h3.L-Shaped Bedroom:

If you have an L-shaped bedroom, the best placement for your bed is in the corner so that it aligns with the bed\’s headboard and the wall of the shorter part of the L. This helps to create balance and flows energy in alignment with the room\’s shape.

Considering the Bed\’s Size

The size of the bed is another important factor in Feng Shui placement. In general, larger beds are believed to be more beneficial than smaller ones, as they allow for more space and movement. However, it is important to remember that the size of the bed should be proportional to the size of the room. Beds that are too large for a room can create a crowding effect, while beds that are too small can make the room feel vacant and empty.

Avoidance of Mirrors

In Feng Shui, Mirrors are believed to reflect energy and increase its flow, which can be positive or negative, depending on their placement. According to principles of Feng Shui, the bed should never be placed directly across from a mirror. This is because it creates a sense of energy bouncing back and forth, causing restlessness and an inability to relax. Instead, mirrors should be positioned so that the sleeping person is not reflected in them while lying in bed.

Avoidance of Clutter

Clutter can also disrupt the flow of energy in a room, according to Feng Shui. Therefore, it is important to keep the area around the bed clear of clutter and other items that could create a chaotic or stressful environment. This includes boxes, storage containers, or anything else that could limit the bed\’s flow of energy. By keeping the area around the bed clean and clear, you can promote a more peaceful and restful sleep.

The Power of Color

Color can also play a big role in Feng Shui placement of the bed. According to principles of Feng Shui, colors can impact energy flow and influence mood and emotions. For example, blue hues can promote calm and relaxation, while reds and oranges can create a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm. When choosing the color of your bedding and walls, it is important to consider the desired mood and energy flow in the room.


The placement of the bed in a bedroom is crucial for creating a peaceful and harmonious environment, according to the principles of Feng Shui. By following these guidelines, you can optimize the flow of energy in your bedroom, promote better sleep, and create an environment that promotes health and well-being. Remember to consider the shape of the room, the size of the bed, avoidance of mirrors, avoidance of clutter, and the power of color when setting up your bedroom for a better night\’s sleep.

Original link: https://www.fengshuimeaning.com/blog/where-should-a-bed-go-according-to-feng-shui-bedroom , please indicate the source for reprinting.

