Mr. Hypo Hypo Wenju 2018-2019 three complete teaching course recordings 49 lessons

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Information name: Mr. Hypo Hypo Wenju 2018-2019 three complete teaching course recordings

Source ID: 22B11036

Data Size: 2.34GB

Language: Chinese

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–/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/11/22B11036. All three courses of Mr. Hypnosis
01 Lesson 20180515 Yin and Yang
1 Yin and Yang.mp3 14.13M
02 Lesson 20180517 Five Elements
May 17 9:02pm Five Elements and Grams.mp3 10.77M
03 Lesson 20180620 Explaining the Eight Characters
Case.jpg 129.41kb
Explaining the Eight Characters.mp3 24.72M
04Lesson 20180622Lesson
20180622A.WAV 65.07M
20180622B.WAV 16.46M
Earth Branch Conjunction.jpg 20.38kb
Lesson 05 20180625 Earthly Branches 6 Through
1.jpg 127.89kb
2.jpg 154.23kb
20180625 Earthly Branch 6 Conjunction.m4a 68.35M
The Eight Characters.jpg 168.93kb
Earthly Branch Six Through.jpg 28.61kb
Earthly Branch Conjunction.jpg 20.38kb
Lesson 0620180627 Ugly Wu Mao Chen You Xu Wear
20180627 Ugly Wu Mao Chen You Xu Wear.mp3 27.75M
Earthly Branch Six Through.jpg 28.61kb
Earthly branch conjunctions.jpg 20.38kb
Example.jpg 235.58kb
Example 1.jpg 126.83kb
Zi Shui can increase the power of Tatsu.docx 13.42kb
Lesson 07 20180702 Shen Hai wears Yin Si through
20180702 Shen Hai wears Yin Si wears.m4a 48.27M
margin sister 19870526.jpg 841.07kb
08 Lesson 20180704 Eight Characters Explained
20180704 flow year invites ghosts.mp3 21.16M
480191400947174830.png 9.06kb

_[5S9》X))ENK_6G8_E.png 5.90kb
09Lesson 20180706Six punch
20180706 Explaining the Easy Eight.m4a 35.80M
20180706 Six Flushes.m4a 57.93M
4V_C2E$Y9PQ0Z0》GRDDK$(G.jpg 19.22kb
Liuchong.png 373.79kb
YiXuanBazi.jpg 106.20kb
YiXuanBazi Live.mp3 24.45M
10 Lessons 20180709 Triple Combination
)QWWKR20J6YBG0QEO$1}8_D.png 8.84kb
20180709 Triad Bureau.mp3 43.96M
C2F])F》Q66{99ENLIOQQ4H1.jpg 167.76kb
GV9D5BOZV1)6Q{)3KZ2`0MT.png 186.28kb
pmlxzj_xpgod.rar 9.73M
WXRP`]}36$SJ)2}N`Y0B{D2.png 272.33kb
[BJVE`K3BYXNC{{(0U[7_KN.png 426.48kb
}3L$RPTK6XY`I]10EB1]_RJ.png 425.57kb
11Lesson 20180711Tomb Bank
20180711 Tomb Bank.m4a 56.52M
J8M》)ALI5V)4F》V`6SEGUNL.png 3.86kb
JTB3JEKG)OCTLXZ4》HC~YF5.png 2.37kb


L}YCRUJN.png 294.62kb
XX9{$0_SS69ZVJ7AR]259_A.png 35.13kb
Grave bank(1).docx 11.66kb
Grave bank.docx 11.59kb
12 lessons 20180713 pattern
20180713 Pattern.m4a 84.28M


TP}{6FEQ.jpg 268.00kb
G04]4T4LI~KG1R`8J4J7XT2.jpg 288.81kb
}}D]D3VUZLUK]D75》ZMH}_S.png 2.20kb
Cache_-34665d36e101378c..jpg 5.31kb
Eight Character Analysis Easy Gay.mp3 11.40M
14 lesson 20180718 ugly unsuccessful and three penalties
》6CPPCZ3FW8》ML1RNLUOI8Q.png 272.28kb
(7UTGR6I2JT3`Z8VUJ~ET4U.png 19.39kb
20180718 Ugly, unlucky, and unsuccessful.m4a 47.81M

FTO15]L(K7)DX{)Z5L}M.png 253.00kb

6R72.png 305.60kb
AZY0)7J)N]]B8C[~5_U“]7.jpg 130.80kb
J2D~MW6{KI_KYTG~I21QWY9.png 261.66kb

N)$)Q[0`LEMJODJ.png 22.81kb
~AUCZ0_A$GTGJT7PY3J_15H.png 187kb
YQ0})“DV(MPOQCLI$C}2ZQ.png 4.64kb
15Lesson 20180723Half-Harmony Broken Locus

S[X[ELVDCKHDR[U5W.png 273.36kb
1WR]Y{RV0F[XNE_IM(`ULUF.png 6.07kb
20180723 半合破禄.mp3 25.69M

{“~W9》E2U]N`L(TK.png 187.20kb

27}O54IHN7CW.png 357.31kb

CVLQVBZ0.png 280.62kb
GWWH》》}[)4HV8UH8J~_()DF.png 286.73kb
LCJWSTT]T5W1LNO8U`[[CD9.png 274.39kb
P(Q}》GE5DBQZJR$S6FIEVLO.png 361.41kb

K》R[[DH$GIABUFBA3(U.png 378.86kb
V1~340AJW[X2{MXX1$T)FNH.png 228.55kb


BY}7I0MA.png 204.51kb
16 lessons 20180724 eight analysis of the actual combat with the edge, no name, bland
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YAEZ9JG_C`F6XAK}S7Z[HTX.jpg 276.36kb

`60KG]UH{4068X[W.jpg 157.73kb
Three periods of eight analysis of the actual combat with the edge, no name, bland.mp3 33.49M
17 lessons 20180725 sheep blade since and rooted

C.png 205.35kb
20180725 Sheepblade Self and Zagan.m4a 59.08M
3536OE18_AQONS~EA$RT)KA.png 301.11kb


1E.jpg 247.49kb
A7U6N)BQPMTNCJ)E9GC)`Z4.png 342.94kb

8.png 148.97kb
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9YO$[AENR3O]NAZU498.jpg 132.59kb

}[0)]Y255Z4FYF{S)OV.png 4.75kb


X.jpg 156.26kb
18 Lesson 20180726 Purple Trace Eight
Purple Trace Eight Characters.jpg 64.88kb
Purple Trace Eight Characters.mp3 35.80M
20180730 八字溜口.mp3 9.94M
20 Lesson 20180802 Ding Mao Male Fate
20180802 Ding Mao Men Fate.mp3 5.01M
Cache_-3d14718855119b6f..jpg 103.64kb
21 Lessons 20180818 Hui
20180815坤甲辰,辛未,已巳,丁卯.mp3 14.75M
20180818慧.m4a 22.06M
20180818 女甲子.mp3 4.74M
20180821 甲辰.m4a 21.28M
])AI00G97O19WOQSYP9`ID8.jpg 211.18kb
Wise.jpg 181.03kb
22Lesson20180821Genshen 流年
$3TP》K$FCP69]_]B80H79UP.jpg 118.41kb
20180820 Geng Shen, like who, nonu, wuchen, chen..mp3 26.25M
20180821 geng shen flow year.m4a 50.46M
23 Lessons 20180903 Ten Gods
20180802 Dingmao Male
20180903 Three Ten Gods.mp3 16.88M
Cache_-2733d9595016fd47..jpg 32.50kb
Cache_34036b9a50532370..jpg 47.73kb
24 Lesson 20180912 Ten Gods Matching

_4RJQIL9(MD0OU5Y(1).png 273.10kb
111.png 3.10kb

BM6YOQ》Z`9KQ[`N.png 219.31kb
20180912 Ten Gods Matching.m4a 52.66M
222.png 2.28kb
333.png 2.34kb
444.png 2.54kb

P~0~}J{T3[F`7KZT}9.png 239.74kb

JPO]SMLK4X6HF5VOLEH_K8.png 251.26kb
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HM96O32W$HR7Y[D.png 266.50kb

)32Q2S}7MG3(LV(]$AGA.png 211.55kb
Lesson 25 20180914 robbery
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1D46721C34083D8E97671EE30A987C25.jpg 41.03kb
1T$FTG`BQ2FRUM}C5[}WK[W.png 259.80kb
20180914 Three Robberies,.mp3 13.06M
20180914 Virtual reality.mp3 1.77M
20180914 Indian lord eclipse god.ogg 47.15M
FA350ED04714EA460C7BE9A445C2B960.jpg 39.56kb
26 Lessons 20180914 Teacher Ming Li hexiwei, hexi, gengzi, dingchou. Kun, ding mao, wushen, geng xu, nong wu
20180914 teacher Mingli hexi un, hexi, gengzi, dingchou. 坤,丁卯,戊申,庚戌,壬午.mp3 24.86M
Cache_-1b40f98393af0c19..jpg 50.61kb
Cache_408a9434945d42c6..jpg 133.59kb
27 Lesson 20180917 Official Kill Bijou
20180917 官杀比劫.m4a 51.75M
Y}TU0ZP3Y]}P`6QKC7UOT_1.png 1.11kb
Shoulder.png 285.82kb
Robbery.png 235.22kb
Seven Kills.png 219.25kb
Injury.png 258.87kb
Yin.jpg 53.41kb
Zheng Guan.png 405.88kb
28 Lesson 20180919 Positive and Partial Wealth
1537595804(1).png 6.06kb
20180919 Teacher Q&A.m4a 32.49M
20180919 正偏财.m4a 41.52M
S7}Q`NRVZIUTJ1}DMY}BM)D.jpg 8.71kb

G6》)[~9{H4ACT_T.png 2.43kb
Solution.png 200.69kb
The characteristics of the fortune star.png 256.39kb
Partial wealth.png 225.70kb
Positive wealth.png 296.26kb
29 lessons 20180925 wu wu wu nonsu chen wuxu
20180925 乾,戊午,壬戌,丙辰,戊戌.mp3 11.17M
wuwu 壬戌 丙辰 戊戌.jpg 63.21kb
30 Lessons 20180926 Ding Mao
20180926Teacher speaks about Ding Mao.m4a 65.22M
20180926乾,丁卯,已酉,戊辰,庚申.mp3 10.08M
Ding Mao.jpg 132.34kb
20180928 Non Shen.mp3 5.79M
{8I_OM~ATGYQ》MHC12K3{[8.jpg 90.14kb
32 Lessons 20180928 Ten Gods
20180928 Three Teacher Ten Gods of Righteousness.mp3 19.97M
Cai Ke Yin.png 190.64kb
Wealth gives birth to official.png 226.60kb
The official kills the robber.png 335.73kb
The most important thing to do is to have a good idea of what you are doing.
The official injury is a major influence on the official.png 271.99kb
The most important thing is to have a good understanding of the situation.
The most important thing to do is to have a good understanding of the situation.
The official and the killer.png 275.94kb
The seal is the most important element of the Chinese language.
33Lesson 20181010 The Ten Gods of Darkness
20181010 The Ten Gods Dark Guide.m4a 38.40M

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XVP2N7]$ULNAIU}R8UWR》7E.png 21188kb
~CI2》`7~77[B45`V}[VD]NE.jpg 102.75kb
The Ten Gods Dark Guide.png 194.24kb
34 lessons 20181012 reading the eight flow
20181012 Three Teachers Look at the Eight Characters Process.mp3 20.08M
M4{3G4D[I5QMFDBURGL0~UK.png 274.29kb
N~)`C`04ZIO[1[GMXPB0A08.png 261.26kb

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3~N[2)PB.jpg 220.31kb
}JI)T_JO(~79UHVN2SKON8B.png 296.93kb
35 Lesson 20181015 Conditions for getting an official
1NQI{9WX(6($]K》1PWUE6HK.png 3.81kb
20181015 Conditions for Being an Official.m4a 27.53M
20181015 Asking questions.m4a 9.86M

G.png 0.98kb
How to become an official.png 159.32kb
Conditions of being an official.png 181.37kb
The official is wounded.png 265.75kb
The five combinations of the heavenly stems to get official.png 173.58kb
36 Lessons 20181017 Taking wealth by way of marriage


8ATWK3ZANT`0`X.png 148.67kb
20181017 Marriage.m4a 45.66M
5_2D5KJ97H$~U7[QKJI9S)1.png 147.19kb

LYZZ}86A[MYV.png 160.06kb
K5RDT)Y`S6O[}6XL73UQ[5D.png 246.85kb

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WTHPQ0}41)A7{[GA5(9NPGL.png 248.78kb
ZR49W3U9I913NGE0[Q42HTX.png 433.99kb
37Lesson20181026Looking at marriage
1.png 429.83kb
2.png 292.44kb
20181026Record.docx 12.36kb
20181026 Look at Marriage.m4a 55.79M
20181026Discussion.m4a 3.01M
3.jpg 218.18kb
38 Lesson 20181029 Marriage Example Analysis
$373{D5JK]L2K4(_VXB~H$0.png 2.18kb
147683468490046764.jpg 216.76kb
20181029 Marriage Example Analysis.mp3 36.38M
25514033716714089.jpg 216.95kb
293611193523582786.jpg 217.47kb
32962775380778249.jpg 217.74kb
341279121580475517.jpg 212.73kb

Q.png 9.06kb
R7M4}MY]G49MO)S2{WD1]UV.png 9.58kb
[》5G8I0XIDBJE4VHFBH(47R.png 2.33kb

R.png 8.99kb
39 Lesson 20181031 Disaster
20181031 III teacher disaster flat.mp3 16.62M
超级截图_20181031_211245.png 538.32kb
超级截图_20181031_212053.png 250.22kb
超级截图_20181031_213753.png 907.89kb
40 Lessons 20181102 Parents and Brothers
20181102 Three teachers look at the death of a parent and several brothers..mp3 11.82M
超级截图_20181102_211352.png 512.36kb
超级截图_20181102_211449.png 463.07kb
超级截图_20181102_213233.png 427.94kb
41Lesson20181105 Seeing children
20181109 Seeing Children.mp3 55.27M
超级截图_20181105_210209.png 426.68kb
超级截图_20181105_212013.png 538.70kb
超级截图_20181105_213222.png 406.64kb
超级截图_20181105_213749.png 208.86kb
42 Lesson 20181210 The Eight Characters to Get Rich
20181210 The Eight Characters of Getting Rich.mp3 36.48M

FHHQBC}R[`EOYC2[Q)33ZH.png 2.32kb
R[I)K3$95T)F[HGH3XJ339K.png 2.26kb
Life of a car accident.png 180.02kb
The eight characters of fortune.png 205.22kb
Example.png 127.49kb
43Lesson 20181212 Occupation taking the phase

R(V55SGTT_I8.png 269.75kb
20181212 Occupational Phasing.m4a 42.38M
4XKMPMW74ZRV7ETD》~VK2OC.png 205.54kb
44 Lesson 20181219癸丑丁巳戊申乙卯
20181219癸丑丁巳戊申乙卯.m4a 75.58M
QI{[9LYN)_E{JE[X9OSE~DI.jpg 217.87kb
45Lesson20181224Looking at the prison
$$9FKVR7XS6[[)KXXKU[NZ7.jpg 20.44kb
20181224 Eight Characters Example.mp3 103.98M
2081224 Jail.mp3 125.62M
M67~S}HD)8I[P[QFL69HLLQ.png 4.45kb
O`(R4CDYEYPV72F`FQQ》$》0.jpg 218.47kb
ZGNT(BX{9Z83{94B》QFX8~L.jpg 219.17kb
`1SPYFF`)Y》TVTM[F3U(U$6.jpg 218.45kb
46 Lesson 20190102 Eight Character Interpretation

XAY.jpg 284.58kb
200FCE42382F1AFB250A4810D8CC9C16.jpg 223.09kb
20190102 Eight Characters Explained.m4a 89.77M
2TSP$8YFFVBIDVON)]0A0T6.jpg 134.71kb
GB5QI59VX_$)LK5F]HUQQ43.jpg 223.09kb
47Lesson 20190104八字实战
20190104 八字实战.m4a 80.21M
20190104 Teacher Lecture.docx 11.83kb
5){~Q}Z76}]BCHJN}KS3ZB5.jpg 215.57kb
85DMVWU0Q8ASJUX$}ZY02B6.jpg 222.08kb
E0N45DTNRII63QZ)~W4$_~E.jpg 104.65kb

T2{GI)BMQXFNG81.jpg 222.01kb
48Lesson 20190107BaZi Practice
20190107 Eight Characters Practice.m4a 67.14M
8TIFDZEY1I{P5620_J]C[GT.jpg 163.14kb
A{]4Z{OQ(18XZNJ$T3》》0UQ.jpg 102.62kb
Compatibility.docx 11.45kb
49 Lessons 20190111 Explained
20190111 Explained.m4a 41.42M
2WAL86{X》T6FK》1I`)N[~CR.jpg 133.09kb
L}L)GJJMKTS0S86{J8(G1L2.jpg 248.58kb

VWQF)L9OVZX6XO{E12Q6.jpg 219.58kb

Data screenshot.

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